Unlock the Secrets of Successful Books:

Watch the Must-Have Book Formula Series

Are you an aspiring author longing to write a book that captivates readers and leaves a lasting impact? Look no further! Introducing the Must-Have Book Formula Series, a powerful 3-part video series that reveals the secrets behind creating successful and impactful books.

Why should you watch the Must-Have Book Formula Series?

  1. Unleash the Power of Compelling Content: Discover the key elements that make a book irresistible to readers. Learn how to craft compelling content that hooks your audience from the first page and keeps them engaged until the end. Master the art of storytelling, pacing, and creating memorable characters that resonate with your readers.
  2. Strategic Structure and Organization: Unlock the secrets of structuring your book for maximum impact. Learn proven techniques to organize your content, create effective chapter outlines, and maintain a cohesive flow throughout your manuscript. With the right structure in place, your book will leave a lasting impression on your readers.
  3. Writing Techniques and Tips: Gain valuable insights into the writing process from experienced authors. Learn practical tips and techniques to enhance your writing style, boost your creativity, and overcome common writing challenges. Whether you're a seasoned writer or just starting out, this series will provide you with valuable tools to elevate your writing skills.

Watch the Must-Have Book Formula Series today and unlock the secrets to writing a book that resonates with readers and stands out in the market.

Sign up now and embark on a transformative journey toward becoming a successful author. Watch the Must-Have Book Formula Series and unlock your writing potential today!

Course curriculum

    1. Part 1 MUST Have Book Formula

    2. Part 2 MUST Have Book Formula

    3. Part 3 MUST Have Book Formula

About this course

  • Free
  • 3 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


Instructor Tar'kesa Colvin

Tar’kesa Colvin was born a southern girl, raised in Michigan, and now calls the south home again.  She is an Army wife, the mom of 4 (including 2 furbabies), V.P. of finance for her home, a puppy and grand-kitten wrangler, An author with 2 active pen names, plus a full-time Leadership Development Consultant. 

Tar’kesa’s achievements include:

  • Writing and publishing 19+ books of her own in just 6 years
  • Award-Winning Publishing Consultant
  • Bestselling Author
  • Former TV Show
  • Contributor to The Huffington Posts,
  • Contributor to Thrive Global
  • Contributor to Addicted 2 Success
  • Helped over 80 authors successfully write their books
  • Mentoring authors through becoming featured authors at the NAACP National Convention, featured experts on NBC, having TEDx talks, and securing features in well-known magazines like Cosmo

Her goal is to help people write the books they dream of and sharing them with the masses.